SKYTEAR HORDE: MONOLITHS – Kickstarter Exclusive Castle Promo Cards Pack – NUOVE
SKYTEAR HORDE: MONOLITHS – Kickstarter Exclusive Castle Promo Cards Pack – NUOVE
SKYTEAR HORDE: MONOLITHS – Kickstarter Exclusive Castle Promo Cards Pack – NUOVE
SKYTEAR HORDE: MONOLITHS – Kickstarter Exclusive Castle Promo Cards Pack – NUOVE
SKYTEAR HORDE: MONOLITHS – Kickstarter Exclusive Castle Promo Cards Pack – NUOVE
SKYTEAR HORDE: MONOLITHS – Kickstarter Exclusive Castle Promo Cards Pack – NUOVE

Include le carte Castle Promo Pack originariamente incluse nell’edizione GameFound di Skytear Horde: Monoliths.

Editore: Skytear Games
Anno: 2024
EAN: 8058269031480

Elenco e condizione degli oggetti:
Carte: perfette

Le foto sono da considerarsi parte integrante della descrizione dell’oggetto. Se si desiderano ulteriori fotografie o informazioni, chiedete pure.


  • Category: Add-on and Promos
  • Publishing house: Skytear Games
  • Publication Date: 23/06/2024
  • Conditions: New
  • Delivery Type: Worldwide
  • Delivery Cost: 5
  • Number of Players: 1-more players
  • Language: Inglese
  • Brand: Skytear Games
  • Conditions: New
  • BGG Page Link
  • Ebay Store
  • Vinted Store